Richmond, Texas
Cowboy Fast Draw Club

SHooterS on the line.... SHooters SET... (Just how fast are you?)

New range location
3007 Amber Ln. Rosenberg
LSG CLUB SHOOTS -Remember to bring chairs, canopies, your gear, a sack lunch and something cold to drink!
Click calender for a list of club shoots, practice times and much more!
Have you ever wondered if you were born 100+ years too late? Wondered if you could have held your own with a six gun when it really mattered or just how fast you really might have been on the draw?
Do you long for period in time when things were simpler and less hectic or maybe you just wish to dally on occasion with folk' of a kindred spirit?
If you answered yes to any or all of the above, then the Lone Star Gunslingers is the club for you. We are a family friendly club dedicated to Cowboy Fast Draw, the Cowboy way and the spirt of the ol' west. A time in the late 1800's when things were a bit simpler and bit slower. A time when people talked to each other, neighbors lent a hand without being asked and you looked out for one another.
With period correct clothing, the same style pistols and holster used in the old west, members of the Lone Star Gunsliners like to take a little time out of their busy lives to revel in days gone by. To revert back to childhood dreams of the ol' west, when hard work was the norm, a hand shake was a contract, your name had value and your skill with a six gun was important.
Would you like to know more about it? Maybe come out and see first hand or even try your hand at a fast draw? Then give us a haller!
The telephone number is listed below, but if that dont suite yer fancy - you can send us one of them new "emails" everyone is talking about. We will get back to you as soon as we can and let you know when and where out next Town Folk Alley (our way of sayin' "open house") is going to be. We may even be able to work out time for a personal shoot and introduction with some of our club members.
So don't be shy - come on out and giv-er a try!
Upcoming CFDA Shoots
To have your CFDA event posted on our site please email Lonestargunslingers@gmail.com